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Barcode Better

TEKLYNX는 바코드 소프트웨어가 단지 소비자가 구매하는 것이 아니라고 생각합니다. 회사를 효율적으로 운영할 수 있도록 하는 통합 기술 솔루션이기 때문입니다.

Compare: Loftware NiceLabel vs. TEKLYNX

Replace NiceLabel software with TEKLYNX to benefit from flexible licensing and hosting options


Looking for a Loftware NiceLabel replacement? TEKLYNX offers three label design products that are the perfect NiceLabel alternative – LABEL MATRIX, LABELVIEW, and CODESOFT – with various editions and features to meet your needs. When your labeling needs grow, you can easily transition to TEKLYNX enterprise label management solutions for print automation, label traceability, or centralization.


Loftware’s acquisition of NiceLabel created uncertainty for their customers due to concerns about supported products and the pressure to move to other solutions that might not be the best fit. Will customers be pressured into higher cost products? Will NiceLabel force customers to make expensive infrastructure updates? If you're looking for a labeling solutions provider who can give you peace of mind and award-winning customer support, TEKLYNX can help.



Compare TEKLYNX label software to NiceLabel. Get a free 30-day trial.

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Read label design case studies to learn why TEKLYNX is the right choice.

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Make the right choice for your labeling and choose TEKLYNX over NiceLabel


TEKLYNX barcode software features within LABELVIEW or CODESOFT make it an easy decision for NiceLabel customers to transition to a new label design software provider. You will also benefit from:



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TEKLYNX puts customers first


In early 2021, NiceLabel was acquired by Loftware, which leaves room for post-merger integration challenges that may impact brand trust and customer experience.


For over 30 years, TEKLYNX biggest accomplishments continue to be in the relationships we have built over time and the continuous improvement of our solutions to help companies barcode better.


“We work around the clock to differentiate ourselves through customer support and innovation,” said Thierry Mauger, TEKLYNX International President. “We take immense pride in knowing our software solutions contribute to the growth and success of our customers.” 

"Even if other companies offer similar products, they do not offer the unparalleled customer service and technical support like TEKLYNX."

- Stephanie Loehr, Genewiz

TEKLYNX selected to partner with Global Shop Solutions

사례 연구 읽기

Why technology partners choose TEKLYNX over NiceLabel


Global Shop Solutions – an ERP software provider that designs, develops, services, and sells its products to small and medium-sized manufacturers around the globe – did months of research to find the ideal partner for barcode label design and print software that provided far better customer service and reliability than the solution they were leaving behind.


After a search that included looking at NiceLabel among others, Global Shop Solutions reached out to TEKLYNX about their available software solutions. 


Not only did TEKLYNX solve Global Shop Solutions’ problem, but they also ensured that the switch to new barcode label printing software would be an easy one for the end users. Read the full case study

Looking to replace Loftware NiceLabel LMS? We have enterprise solutions for you.

통합 + 자동화



  • 인쇄 자동화 및 시간 절약
  • 모든 비즈니스 시스템에서 직접 인쇄 작업 실행
  • 몇 초 안에 다양한 프린터에서 인쇄 가능
  • RESTful API와 통합

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제어 + 추적 기능



  • 사용자 역할 및 권한 정의
  • 모든 라벨에 대한 작업자, 작업 목적, 작업 위치 및 작업 시기 보고
  • 중앙 저장소에 안전하게 라벨 저장
  • 자동 전자 라벨 승인 워크플로 설정

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중앙에서 관리



  • 라벨 디자인, 추적 및 인쇄 자동화 결합
  • 브라우저 기반 인쇄 인터페이스를 사용하여 어느 장소에서든 인쇄 가능
  • 타사 공급업체가 승인된 라벨을 인쇄할 수 있는 보안 액세스 허용

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전문 서비스

Don't let label conversion slow you down! We can help you save time by easily converting your Loftware or NiceLabel labels to TEKLYNX labels.

전문 서비스 정보

Get in touch

Talk with a TEKLYNX labeling expert to see how TEKLYNX can replace your NiceLabel software. 

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