Looking for a barcode label design software that fits any budget? Look no further. TEKLYNX Subscription Licensing is a cost-effective solution that offers more predictable software costs. Enjoy benefits such as access to technical support, unlimited product training webinars, and version upgrades.
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A subscription license has a lower cost of entry and must be renewed and paid on a 1, 3, or 5 year basis, whereas a perpetual license is a one-time cost. A subscription license includes technical support, training webinars, and version upgrades. With a perpetual license, you must purchase and renew your Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) to enjoy these benefits.
Absolutely. You can save by choosing a subscription license for a 3- or 5-year term.
No. The days remaining on your subscription license will be displayed at the bottom right-hand corner of your software and will alert you when it’s time to renew.
We want to better understand your needs to help you find the best barcode label software solution to fit your business.
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