Americas (English)
Barcode Better

At TEKLYNX, we believe barcode software isn't just something you buy. It's an integrated solution that makes your company work.


CODESOFT Driver Service Pack (DSP)

CODESOFT printer drivers

The Driver Service Pack (DSP) is a printer driver update utility for TEKLYNX software that allows you to quickly download updated printer drivers for your specific printer model. We have a dedicated global driver development team that is constantly creating new drivers to keep up with the vast amount of different manufacturers and printer models in the market. With over 4,000 drivers currently available and more always being created, there is no shortage of options for your business.



  • TEKLYNX recommends using the latest software version to achieve the best results with our printer drivers
  • You must be an Administrator on the local PC to install new TEKLYNX drivers from this site
  • This service is limited to the printer families supported by your license. Instructions can be found below
Label printer drivers