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TEKLYNX Named Honoree by Metro Milwaukee Association of Commerce

Date: 08/28/2020 / Category: Awards


TEKLYNX has been named an honoree for the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce (MMAC) Focus on the Future Awards. These awards are presented to organizations and individuals for their work to meet challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.


TEKLYNX is one of the 65 Milwaukee Region companies being recognized for a Focus on the Future Award, and is being honored in the True Colors category. The True Colors category is2020 MMAC Award specifically for companies that let their culture and values show throughout the 'new normal' our world has currently entered. COVID-19 has provided many challenges for people and businesses across the globe. Many companies had to pivot and transition into an exclusively remote work environment. TEKLYNX was one of them, with management logging extra hours to ensure that all employees were up and running in their home offices problem-free and connected. Ensuring all employees had the tools and technology to succeed and provide our customers with the support they need was crucial from the onset. Having this employee-centric attitude and Ideal Team Players focus sets our company and employees up for success, now and into the future.


“Our business community has faced unprecedented challenges in 2020,” said Stephanie Hall, MMAC Vice President of Membership and Small Business. “Through it all, these 65 companies, organizations and individuals have shown us examples of the Milwaukee Region at its best, and give us hope for the future. Through the Focus on the Future Awards, MMAC wants to recognize those who have risen to their best during the most difficult of times.” 

Click here to learn more about TEKLYNX and Our Team.

To learn more about The Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce (MMAC) and view the complete list of honorees, visit

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