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How to Print Labels in a (Mostly) Remote World

Travis Wayne

How to Print Labels in a (Mostly) Remote World


One of the biggest challenges that came from 2020 was the major shift to remote work. Within the labeling world, one major challenge was – how do I print labels remotely? With the right tools and configurations, printing labels from your home office to the factory floor is easy.




Web-Based Label Printing


To effectively print correct labels remotely and without error, it is most effective to institute an enterprise label management system to ensure all remote label printing requirements are being met for your business. TEKLYNX CENTRAL's all-encompassing enterprise solution comes equipped with label printing automation, full security and traceability of each label within your system, and most importantly, a web-based interface built specifically to print labels remotely from anywhere in the world, including your home office, to the factory floor.


Label Printing Automation


With enterprise label printing software, you can automate printing to the production floor out of your ERP, WMS, or other business systems, including custom applications. Your business system already holds the variable data such as product information, lot numbers, shipping addresses, packing lists, order numbers, and more. By integrating your label printing system with your ERP system, such as Oracle and SAP, you can expect reduced time by eliminating the need to manually enter data at print time, reduce physical waste due to potential errors, and reduced costs that are associated with time and physical labels. 


TEKLYNX print automation solution, SENTINEL allows you to: 


Security and Traceability


To ensure accuracy and security with remote label printing, implement a controlled labeling environment that can be enforced at many levels. This restricts access between roles and only allows a user to access the printers, compliance labels, and tasks they need to complete their job.


With the shift to remote work and many processes being stored online, security and traceability within your labeling environment and the ability to print labels remotely is more important than ever. Already, many companies have reaped the benefits of implementing label approval processes into their environments.


LABEL ARCHIVE, TEKLYNX label security and traceability solution, offers: 


Browser-based Interface


Now that remote work is so prevalent, the need to stay connected across many locations is in high demand. A manager or authorized user might be remote, but production workers are still on-site at the manufacturing plant. TEKLYNX CENTRAL's web-based label printing solution allows users to work on the same connected webpages instead of having multiple licenses per person or IP address, which is costly and prone to errors. Having all necessary labels and information in one shared space allows companies to print correct labels from anywhere in the world.


TEKLYNX CENTRAL is a browser-based label printing system that makes printing labels remotely easy by integrating with your company’s existing ERP, WMS, or other business system. Smart label templates are built to pull in data directly from these systems, standardizing the labels and eliminating errors from manual data entry. TEKLYNX CENTRAL incorporates label printing automation, security and traceability functionalities, and a browser-based interface into one cohesive solution.


Having browser-based label printing also enables accurate supplier labeling. Suppliers can be given access to the secure browser-based label printing interface, allowing them to print the most up-to-date version of a required label.


Cloud-Enabled Label Printing


While cloud-enabled technologies are no longer a groundbreaking technology, they continue to prove to be an essential part of operations in how to print efficiently, remotely. A cloud-enabled label printing interface is a simple and secure way for print users to print the correct labels with the correct information from anywhere in the world.


Having your labeling software hosted via cloud technology allows any print user to access a simple label printing interface while removing the burden of IT maintenance, such as server management, software upgrades, and local installations.


Cloud-enabled printing aligns with web-based label printing by: 


Enforcing a label approval workflow


Having an approved label workflow means only authorized users are designing, approving, and executing print jobs. Permissions and password requirements are established between roles so there are no unintentional edits made and labels are sent out error-free and accurate each time. Establishing these permissions also reduces the back and forth of emailing label files that welcomes manual errors.


Enforcing the ability to print from multiple locations


Possibly the most beneficial feature in cloud-enabled label printing is the ability to print labels remotely from any location at any time to the plant floor. Whether you are in the office, on the plant floor, or at home, you can execute print jobs with approved labels from the cloud, providing accurate labels for your production workers in the manufacturing facility.


For companies looking to transition to printing labels remotely, get in touch to learn more.




About Travis


Travis Wayne is the Product Manager at TEKLYNX. Travis applies his 20+ years of IT and health sciences experience to empower businesses to streamline operations and barcode better by applying software and technology. He works to continually improve TEKLYNX strategic planning, product and project management principles, and cross-functional communications. When not working, he enjoys many outdoor activities with his wife and two children. 


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