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At TEKLYNX, we believe barcode software isn't just something you buy. It's an integrated solution that makes your company work.


Labeling Best Practices: 4 Tips to Print Faster

Print Faster - 4 Labeling Best Practices Tips

In a TEKLYNX poll, 97% of our customers stated they wanted to print faster in their labeling environment. Watch this quick video to learn labeling best practices to improve your print speed today!


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Video transcript Video transcript

In a recent poll, 97% of users said they wanted to be able to print faster. Here are four labeling best practice tips to add speed to your printing process.


Tip 1: Leverage Native Printer Drivers


  • Print results using Windows driver
  • What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) label printing
  • TEKLYNX native printer drivers will be just as fast, if not faster than any other labeling application


Tip 2: Form Printing


  • Select a record in your database
  • Enter print time data
  • Select your printer, and print


Tip 3: Browser Based Printing


  • Configurable browser-based printing solution
  • Create logic-driven workflows, such as entering a product code


Tip 4: Automate Printing From Your Business System


  1. User inputs data into host system
  2. Host system sends data to a file or database
  3. File capture
  4. SENTINEL receives and processes data file from host system
  5. SENTINEL sends a label print job to your printers and prints your labels


Get in touch with TEKLYNX to see how your business can print faster:

Get in touch with TEKLYNX

With over 30 years of experience implementing efficient barcode labeling systems, TEKLYNX is here to help with yours. Take a shortcut to success by leveraging our expertise to implement best practices in your labeling environment.


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