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Video: Key Features of LABEL ARCHIVE

Key Features of LABEL ARCHIVE

LABEL ARCHIVE label security & traceability software


LABEL ARCHIVE secures your labeling process by enforcing an approval workflow and tracking all changes to your labels.


Request a demo of LABEL ARCHIVE today!


Video transcript Video transcript

Security and traceability throughout the supply chain is more important now than ever before. Permission based roles and traceability of your workflows in your labeling process can help you prevent bad labels that can result in product recalls or the delivery of incorrect products.


TEKLYNX industry leading label security and traceability software, LABEL ARCHIVE, keeps a full blown history of everything that has happened from design to print. You can leverage that history to meet a wide variety of different industry regulations. Here are the three core features of LABEL ARCHIVE.


LABEL ARCHIVE gives you a platform to store and archive all of your CODESOFT label templates in one central spot, a database. This allows you to easily back up your label templates into a central repository, eliminating any need to update your templates in multiple locations because LABEL ARCHIVE enables one point of truth. 


LABEL ARCHIVE allows you to assign permission-based roles for your users. For example, Mary in the marketing department is in charge of approving labels. Travis, the graphic designer, can design and print. But Bob on the production floor can only print, which brings us to the second feature: configuration of a label workflow.


Another core feature that LABEL ARCHIVE offers is a full blown history report on everything that has happened with your labels. So, we'll be able to look back and say, "Yeah, Travis designed that label. Yeah, Mary approved that label. And, yeah, Bob printed the exact label that was designed and approved on it."


With these three core features: the central repository, user management, and track and trace, LABEL ARCHIVE enables you to implement label versioning, quick access to the generation of history reports of everything that has happened to a label, the ability to quickly generate a reprint, as well as the ability to seamlessly integrate with Windows Active Directory, so you don't need to manage your users in two spots.


Add security and traceability to your labeling environment today by clicking below to request a free demo of LABEL ARCHIVE.

Learn more about what LABEL ARCHIVE can do for your organization. Request a demo.

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