Wir bei TEKLYNX glauben, dass Barcode-Software nicht nur etwas ist, was Sie kaufen. Es ist eine integrierte Technologielösung, die Ihr Unternehmen zum Laufen bringt.
In today’s day and age, you can track just about anything; when your Amazon package will be delivered, where your friends and family are located, and even your pizza delivery! But what about your barcode labels?
In many scenarios, traceability and security for your barcode labels is an afterthought which can be harmful to your company. Here are 3 ways to secure your labels by enforcing labeling security and traceability to your current barcode labeling environment.
1. Separate barcode label design users from the print users:
Click Print
One major way to protect your barcode labels from being edited unintentionally is by separating the user who designs labels from those who print labels. Click Print, a feature available in LABELVIEW and CODESOFT, is an interface that shows you a preview of your labels and when you click on it, your barcode labels print!
Label Printing Forms
Custom barcode label printing forms help you design your company’s ideal printing process. Form Designer is a tool that is accessible without having to launch your barcode label designer, which helps enforce user roles within your team. Form Editor allows you to enforce data entry rules for your print users so that data is formatted correctly 100% of the time. Now, you can create an efficient label printing solution while also reducing errors.
Enterprise Label Print Automation with SENTINEL Printing labels directly out of your ERP, WMS, or any other business system, is the most efficient way to automate your barcode labeling system and eliminate any manual data entry. Print automation replaces the manual process of clicking print, and automatically triggers a print job within a barcode labeling environment. This process runs completely in the background, so no manual interaction is needed.
Print Only Licensing
We know that each barcode labeling environment is different. If you have users who are only designated to print your barcode labels, utilizing a Print Only License may be a good option for you. This license allows you to only print, so your barcode label design will never be edited by un-authorized users.
Network User Manager
A great way to secure your barcode labeling software environment is by only giving access to the people who need it. With a network license of your barcode label software, you can set permissions to specific users based on their Window credentials. For example: designers can only design barcode labels and not print them.
2. Establish an electronic barcode label approval process:
An electronic approval process is also important to certain industries that follow labeling regulations - an example of this is in the healthcare industry. Companies must comply with FDA 21 CFR Part 11 which requires an electronic signature on label files. This process reduces the likelihood for companies to experience a labeling related recall, or in the unfortunate event that it does occur, helps them administer the recall much faster by having full label traceability.
3. Enable barcode label versioning and print history:
Enforcing label workflows and ensuring the same process is followed every time a label is created is possible with LABEL ARCHIVE. You achieve full traceability of barcode label design, storage, and printing to support compliance with industry regulations and internal process requirements.
Keeping your barcode labels secure shouldn’t be an afterthought.
Get in touch with a barcode labeling expert today to see how we can help you secure your barcode labels better.
Anthony Bieniewski is the Operations and IT Manager at TEKLYNX. Anthony uses his 15+ years of experience in IT infrastructure and security to continue to move TEKLYNX forward with efficient and secure processes and tools. He also leverages that experience in mentoring and coaching TEKLYNX’s support team so that they can continue to pursue best practices when helping our customers barcode better.
Everyone wants to do better. Whether it’s improving your health, career, or home, there’s always room to do things better. Well, what if I told you there’s a better way to design your barcode labels?
We all know the saying, “You can’t have your cake and eat it too.” I am here to tell you that with TEKLYNX 2019 and newer products, it will feel like you can! Prior to TEKLYNX 2019 products, customization within the label print form was not possible.
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